We are all made of star stuff

galaxyLook into the night sky and see the farthest star that can be seen with the unaided eye.

All the atoms in all the cells in your eyes came from those stars.

All the heavier atoms (heavier than Iron) came from supernovas. http://www.skyandtelescope.com/news/3310246.html?page=1&c=y

Look into the night sky and see the farthest stars and you go back in time because they are so far away it takes that long for their light to reach the rods and cones in your retinas.

The very light that is causing your retinas to send messages to your brain that interperates the information as seeing came from the stars that made the atoms that comprise the cells that enable us to see.

How can you not bask in the wonder of that?

2 responses to “We are all made of star stuff

  1. yes, reality is recursive in the extreme 🙂

  2. And then there are stars so far away that their light hasn’t traveled this far yet and we have no clue where or what they are thusly, we should never see the end of the universe.

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