Letting go

I have a lot to be in gratitude and I don’t want to take a single blessing for granted. I have been working on letting go of some of my dreams and being satisfied with life without them.

What I want is an insult to what I have.

It is audacious.

It would occupy too much of my time.

Of my person.

Of my identity.

I am not deceived into thinking there is anything about me that will not be replaced by others a little later on.

The forces at work have been slamming the door rudely in my face until I actually don’t want to like them, I don’t want to forget the intrinsic value of each human being and the dignity that is owed the other.

I will love others and wish to be so loved in return because of who I am and not for what I do.

I get to just be.


Pharmacology - Biology - Neuroscience - Science - Research - Planaria - Writing - Education - Autism

Prone to wander...

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These words are mine, please opine!


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